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Greeting the new year -- 01/01/10 |
If you have just wandered in from Holidailies and wonder who's who, there's a brief introduction to various characters at the end of this entry... |
The last day of 2009 was rather wintery around here...
Jeremy was coming back from his Christmas vacation trip to Costa Rica so we had some concerns about the Atlanta to JFK leg of his flight as well as his drive home from JFK (much of which would be on I95 across Connecticut, a miserable road in the best of weather). He finally got home late in the afternoon. He said traffic on I95 was as bad as we might imagine.
Nancy and I were having her mother, her sister Janet and husband Tom and our nephew Mike over for dinner...
Jeremy socialized with us briefly and then went out for the evening but came back early saying he was too exhausted from not having had any sleep since the day before (having taken an overnight flight) and decided that a good night's sleep would be a good way to start the new year. Jill and Eli headed off to a party. We had our dinner party and relaxed by the fire with our guests for some post prandial conversation. After everyone left, Nancy and I decided to watch the first installment of the third season of Tudors (which had arrived in the mail from Netflix). A full meal and a couple of glasses of wine and a warm fire in the fireplace combined to make it difficult for me to keep my eyes open. I know that King Henry was encountering opposition (as the joke goes: "The peasants are revolting!" "Yes, I know.") but I think some of the details were escaping me. We decided to save the next two episodes for tonight and to just read by the fire. Eventually Nancy went up to bed and I said I would be there in a few minutes... but it was so cozy by the fire and I was caught up in the book I was reading... and then it was around four a.m. and I opened my eyes to find Tiger meowing by my recliner chair to say he thought it would be a great idea if I were to get him a little snack. So I gave him a few kitty treats and a little saucer of milk... and decided that a slice of cheesecake would taste good. Jill got home from her party just as I was finally heading upstairs. And that was our very relaxed and low key New Years Eve... And today has passed in reading and a brief workout in the basement and some time spent in playing with HTML getting this website set for another year of entries...