I drove over to Kingston (NY) on Saturday for a surprise 80th birthday
party for my cousin Carol.
That's Carol, wine glass in hand, looking at a panel of photographs that
was on display.

My brother Charlie presented the birthday girl with a festive hat to honor
the occasion... and he also scanned in lots and lots of photographs, added
appropriate music, put it all on a DVD, and then projected it on a screen. |
That's Charlie setting up the laptop and projector for the "History
Channel" show.
There were dozens of people there for the party and I got to see lots of
folks I hadn't seen since the surprise 85th birthday party for Carol's husband Oscar a bit over four years ago. (Yeah, he will be
90 this fall.)
On the right here you see my cousin Roger (Carol's older brother) and his
son Roger.
The two Rogers joined Charlie in roasting Carol a bit. |
Naturally there had to be memories of various practical jokes that had
been played over the years... and the presentation of various odd birthday
Here's a picture of Carol and her children. (I'd swear that they were teenagers
just a few years ago...)
Oh, and here's a picture of Carol with two of her young cousins: