It's Gillian's birthday...
It seems as if only a few years could have gone by since Nancy awoke in
the dark of night to say she was having contractions and it was time to
go to the hospital and we got it the car and I drove the three blocks to
the hospital... But if you look at the writing on the birthday cake, this
is Jill's 28th birthday.
She was laughing when she came in the house because she said it wasn't every year that she got to have a calculus final exam for her birthday... and then she had stopped at a package store (one where she often shops) to buy a 12-pack of Magic Hat plus the rather exotic-looking bottle of Belgium ale she is holding -- and they carded her! They demanded proof of age before they would ring up her purchases. That's not a bad thing to happen on a 28th birthday.
She and Eli and friends went out to eat (at the Mews) and her friends came
back here to join Nancy and me and have the traditional singing of Happy
Birthday. |
So cake and ice cream, opening of birthday presents, and much playing of