

The traveler returns -- 07/04/10

Well, the big news is that our traveler has returned.

Of course, having flown all night from the west coast, she was somewhat tired and sleepy. After a brief reunion this morning on the floor of my office (Tiger having selected as his summer daytime napping area the floor in the corner of the room next to the chair he uses to look out the window), she went to bed and slept until afternoon.

And I have survived my Friday surgery quite well. Oh, I'm not planning on going out running -- or walking -- but I am feeling so much better than when I had hernia surgery back in 1989 (and, you have to consider that I was not just 21 years younger, but I had been in good shape back then, rather than out-of-shape the way I am now due to these past months of Achilles tendon problems). I don't know how much of the difference is due to advances in surgical techniques and how much is due to the skill of the surgeon (I suspect both factors contributed) but I have not been flattened the way I was then. I am not supposed to do much of anything (sorry, Tiger, you are over the weight limit for me to lift) and if I bend the wrong way it hurts like hell, but I feeling much more optimistic about eventually being able to get back into a more active life style. (My post-op checkup will be on Friday.)

Now I've got to go make a salad (my contribution to dinner). Nancy is cooking dinner -- that is still beyond my efforts at this point -- but I can rinse off some lettuce from the garden and cut up some onions, etc. (which I find to be absolutely amazing just two days after surgery). This is a holiday dinner for Jill and Eli and us.

(Oh, okay, and I also admit that sitting in this chair for any longer than the time it took to write this is getting to me. I'm really only comfortable in the recliner in the living room.)

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