

Run4Kerri -- 08/02/10

Jill ran in the Run4Kerri 4-mile run on Sunday morning. The race is in memory of Kerri Bessette -- who had run track and cross-country for South Kingstown High School and had graduated in Jill's class. Kerri died of bacterial meningitis during her freshman year of college.

This is the 9th annual running of this race, which supports a scholarship named in Kerri's honor.

It's a race I like, along winding rural roads, well-organized and quite enjoyable to run... and I wish I could have run it this year. (Next year!)

Above, Jill running... taken a short distance down the road from the starting point. The race has joined the move to RFID chips for the runners so the race results show your exact time from starting line to finish line. The advance of technology is amazing -- now the chips are disposable, embedded within the race number bib.

On the right, Jill nearing the finish line..

The race gives runners a reusable "goody bag" -- a cloth bag similar to the reusable fabric shopping bags -- with the race souvenir t-shirt plus various coupon and discount offers, sample bags of potato chips, etc. One of the gifts in the bag was an ear of corn (courtesy of a nearby farm produce stand). The ear of corn amused Jill and she wanted to have her picture taken holding it as if it were a trophy.

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