

Early September -- 09/10/10

Well, it's only September 10th, just a third of the way into the month, so I think I can get away with calling it early September still.

School has just started -- in fact, in our town, we've only had three days of school so far. School started on Tuesday, had school on Wednesday, Thursday was a day off for Rosh Hoshana, and then today was the third day. So the kids (and teachers) got to adjust to the change from summer vacation and next week they'll have a full five day school week.

And it's time once again for signs of Autumn... And this year I have one in my front yard.

A few weeks ago Kevin knocked on my door, going door to door through the neighborhood. We got to talking and I decided that I liked his candidacy -- running as an independent against an entrenched incumbent state senator who has held that office since before we moved to Rhode Island. In fact, I went to a kick-off event he was hosting and made a donation to his campaign and volunteered to post a campaign sign in my yard.

The other day Jill said "If I had some apples, I could make an apple pie." Well, say no more... a short time later I came home with about seven pounds of MacIntosh apples. Jill made a gorgeous (and tasty!) apple pie and a bit pan of apple crisp.

And this is what the sky looked like this morning (about quarter past six) when I went outside to bring in the morning newspaper.

Gradually the clouds melted away during the morning and by lunchtime we had blue skies and bright sunshine and a high that just touched seventy (about 26 C). Tomorrow should be about the same, maybe just a couple of degrees warmer in the afternoon than today. Jill and I are running a 5K in the morning. Well, she's running it; I'm going to be doing some combination of jogging and walking. (She's planning on trying a couple of half marathons later this fall.)

So I think I will post this and go read myself to sleep...

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