

A tasting -- 09/23/10

Nancy and Jill and I went to Kinney Bungalow last night for their second annual Sunset Soiree -- where a number of caterers gather and provide samples of their culinary delights.

I showed some pictures of the tasty munchies when I wrote about it last year. That's my excuse for not providing close up photographs of the comestibles provided this year. (Okay, so maybe it was because I was too busy chowing down on all those tasty goodies that I really didn't have time to concentrate on taking nice pictures of the food....)

As with last year, they began with drinks and some hors d'oeuvres outdoors and then invited everyone to come inside for the main display. This year, however, they erected a large party tent (those white peaks visible through the windows in the above snapshot) with several caterers providing a vast array of snacks.

When we did come inside we found more food (as well as a wider array of displays by other vendors, such as photographers, a wedding planner, a jeweler, a makeup and beauty consultant, and a disc jockey).

And then, well fed, we returned home and enjoyed a postprandial stroll around our neighborhood.

This is only Thursday but I am a bit overwhelmed by the busy weekend I have ahead of me. A college housemate and his wife are on a cruise ship that will be visiting Newport on Saturday. Nancy and I will drive over to Newport to meet them and we will spend the day visiting, catching up on the many years that have passed -- Mike & I have children who are older now than we were the last time we saw each other in person -- and we will probably check out some of the tourist attractions in Newport while catching up on the past decades.

On Sunday I am going to drive over to Kingston (NY) to visit my brother. The proximate reason for the trip is a visit by an Arizona-dwelling cousin (who is also my godmother) and her husband. (I showed her sister's birthday party back in January -- an entry that also had a photo of their brother, who is now celebrating his 85th birthday.)

Sunday -- September 26th -- will mark the 14th anniversary of my first jimsjournal entry.

And one week from today my eldest child will celebrate his 42nd birthday.

Time does fly, doesn't it!

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