

Family -- 09/27/10

So on Sunday I dashed over to the Kingston, New York area. Okay, "dashed" is not a very accurate description of a drive of about 215 miles (although traffic was flowing rather rapidly on many sections of the I95 and I84 and the New York State Thruway but I -- of course -- *cough*cough* -- meticulously observed all posted speed limits -- that's my story and I'm sticking to it).

The occasion was the visit of my cousin (and godmother) Jackie. She and Al, her husband, and their daughter Lynn and her husband Michael had flown in from Arizona. I'm just going to pop three photographs of our Sunday evening gathering at Charlie & Donna's (where Donna fed us a wonderful meal) and we did lots of visiting and talking and taking of pictures.

Lynn (Jackie's daughter), Rob (Melissa's husband), Melissa
(Charlie & Donna's daughter), and Al (Jackie's husband)
Jackie. Charlie, Carol, me
We all got involved: Michael, Lynn, Al, Jackie, Charlie,
Carol, me, Melissa, and Donna. (Photo taken by Rob.)

What I wanted to do was to scan in a couple of pictures of my cousins with me when I was a baby.... but I am really tired and Nancy & Jill will be home any minute now from the Chemistry class they are taking together on Monday nights... and I really haven't the energy to get involved in scanning pictures... And I am really booked tomorrow with a meeting of the Bay Colonies chapter of the ASTD (
oops, sorry, so many acronyms... ASTD = American Society for Training and Development) which means I have to be in Providence by 7:30 and then back home to work and a quick trip to my periodontist later on in the afternoon to confirm that my latest pair of titanium implants are okay (which will then mean I can finally get crowns to fill these two gaps in my teeth) and then more work...

This morning I managed to get in a visit to my childhood neighborhood and snapped a few pictures. At some point this fall there will probably be some more childhood memories essays here, complete with pictures.

I met Jackie & Al and Lynn & Mike and Carol for lunch today -- and we had a great time, talking away. I was about to type "and then I dashed off back to Rhode Island" but I guess we've already decided that the word "dashed" is not appropriate. As it turned out, it was especially inappropriate for the return trip which took an hour or so longer than the trip on Sunday. There was light rain as I drove down the Thruway, but after I took I84 across the Hudson, I hit some much heavier rain and the clouds of wet spray, especially from the many large trucks on the road, made it like driving through combination of rain and fog. This slowed things down enough that I hit really slow and heavy traffic in the Waterbury area. Thus, I missed the beginning of the friends of the library meeting (but, fortunately, they failed to seize upon my tardiness as an excuse to promote me from vice president to president) but at least I did get there.

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