

A vet visit -- 10/08/10

Tiger has a sad look on his face in this photograph because he is not at home -- he is sitting in Jill's lap in an examining room at his veterinarian's office, waiting for his veterinarian to come in to examine him.

Tiger loves to come out onto our back deck in the summer when we are sitting out there -- not so he can keep us company but so he can then try to slip off the deck and into the backyard so he can eat grass and bite plants and walk around like a big predator.

He does not like to ride in cars. Not one little bit. He does not like to leave home at all. (Actually, he seems to be getting mellower about such outings -- he used moan and meow pitifully all the while he was in the car but today he braved the journey in silent annoyance.

The reason Jill and I took him to see his vet (and it does take two -- one to drive and one to hold Tiger and try to comfort him) was because he has been limping more than usual this past couple of weeks. We know that he is getting older and his feline arthritis is not going to go away. We've not had any really cold weather yet, but the really hot days are history and the changing sun angle (and some cloudy days) means he hasn't had the sunny spots stretch out in. So today he got a shot to help ease his aches. (And, pretty soon, the weather will cool enough that we will be having fires in the wood-burning insert in our fireplace. He really loves stretching out by a nice hot fire.)

I think I may have mentioned this before... but a few months ago I had to send a laptop in for repairs... and when it came back, I placed the shipping box on the floor while I was replacing the hard drive (which, of course, I had removed before shipping) and then trying out the repaired machine, Tiger came along and saw the cardboard shipping box on the floor (and we all know how curious cats seem fascinated by boxes and bags) and then he discovered how comfortable the nice soft shipping foam was... and he claimed it as his favorite comfortable napping spot in my office. Ever since then, when he is in my office (except, of course, when he is on his chair looking out his window... or napping on that same chair) he likes to curl up in his computer shipping box for his naps. (This, of course, only applies to my office; he has lots of other favorite napping spots around the house. After all, a kitty needs lots of napping spots from which to choose.)

Ah.... yes.... he does look comfortable, doesn't he?

And now for a three day weekend. Monday is Columbus Day and it is a holiday for the schools and Nancy has the day off so I am taking a vacation day. I have lots of yard and garden work to do... and the forecast is for pleasant, mild, sunny weather... so I hope to accomplish a lot.

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