Above -- a photo montage of various family members and friends joined together
for our annual Thanksgiving dinner. And below -- a view looking down from
the balcony (of the church parish hall we rent in order to have enough
room for us all).
Circumstances led to a smaller than usual gathering -- only three dozen
of us this year. Not everyone can make the trip every year (attendance
could hit the mid-fifties if everyone were to be able to make the trip
some year).
But we rejoiced in being together and had a leisurely meal followed by
post-prandial perambulations followed by ample amounts of cakes and pies
and cookies.
The photo on the left below of Jeremy and me was taken at Thanksgiving
time ten year and the photo on the right was taken this year.
2000 |
2010 |
And the photo below was taken on Main Street in front of where we were.
Most years I snap a picture or two of the street scene. Sometimes it is
rainy, once it was snowing; this year the weather was pleasant, although
rain moved in later at night. The blueness of the sky here is because this
was taken with flash turned off, thus a longer exposure time. I first took
one with flash on -- not only was the sky dark, but the shops across the
street were hidden in darkness. I decided that I liked this version better:
Main Street in a closed and quiet small New England town just past sunset
on Thanksgiving.