

Guardians of the Galaxy -- 08/05/2014

Sunday afternoon I went to see the new Marvel movie Guardians of the Galaxy. I thoroughly enjoyed myself. It is definitely a movie that I would have gone to see with my dad. We saw quite a few Marvel movies in the theater together. My mom isn't much of a sci-fi or comic book fan, so it was another father-daughter activity that we had.

Guardians of the Galaxy is fun and action filled, and does not take itself seriously at all (although I'm not sure how serious you can be, when you have a talking raccoon named Rocket as a main character). They do clip quite a swear words in order to keep their PG-13 rating. Its soundtrack is a wild ride through some hits from the 80s. As with all the Marvel movies, they have a clip after the credits are over. I saw it in regular old 2D and I'm not sure that paying extra for the 3D would have enhanced it at all. At any rate, I liked it.

I've been hooked since I was a kid on books. My dad used to read us sci-fi books as bedtime stories (and things like Little House on the Prarie). I had forgotten a lot of them, but now and again I'll pick up a book and think to myself "hey, I know this story!" Plotlines faded into memories of childhood resurfacing, although time has jumbled a few of them together. One that sticks out more than others is Have Space Suit-Will Travel by Robert A. Heinlein.

Right now I'm re-reading the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan. I had read up to book 6 before. I have since acquired copies of later books, but I wanted to refresh in my mind what happened in all the books leading up to them. But, like my dad, I also have more than one book going at the same time. One is a sci-fi book from his collection, Pandora's Star by Peter F. Hamilton. The other is an e-book that I got for free from Amazon, which I'd say is only okay.
As for the index page, I've noticed that the 48 Hour Film Project site seems to have discontinued the old badges that they used to have. I'm going to work on making my own to put in their place.

I made a page for all the 2014 entries (it might look empty at first glance because there aren't posts in the beginning of the year). I updated the posts I made to include the link. From the main page it can be found by clicking the open book marked 2014. I don't know where to even begin to add a book to the bookshelf. I suppose I'll figure it out eventually.

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