This semester really hit the ground running. I've got so much to do. I'm learning a lot in all of my classes, but I don't have much free time. This will be a short post. Just going to throw a few pictures of things I've been up to lately. Most of my classes are outside for at least part of the day. It's been nice so far, but I'll be glad to be indoors as the temperature drops.
NASA is launching a mission to retrieve samples from an asteroid. As part of this mission they created a time capsule element. Part of the time capsule was being able to send your name into space
I decided to send my dad's name on their mission. I know when he was younger, he had wanted to be an astronaut. He may not have made it into space, but now his name is part of a space mission.
Jimsjournal on the Web since September 26, 1996! That makes it 18 years old!
Certificate of Participation for the Bennu space mission.
Corn from the garden.
A wetland in Chazy, NY.
Trail marker where the path splits. We ended up going up towards the summit of Wright. However, once above the treeline we were blasted with 60+ mph winds. It was intense up there. I fled swiftly to the shelter of the tree line.
The colors of fall are getting quite vivid up here!