

Winter Solstice -- 12/21/2014

I have not updated in quite a while. School had me rather busy this semester. It was quite epic. We also had a nice amount of snow dump on us during finals week. School might have been closed for everyone else, but finals went on. I think my dad would have been happy about my decision to return to school. I will be graduating (at least that's the plan) in May 2015.
While writing this I realize that it is almost Christmas. It sure seemed to sneak up this year. I know my dad would always participate in the Holidalies every year (even if he failed to update every day). I hope to make a valient attempt next year.
I wish everyone a safe journey if they are travelling. And I hope this holiday season finds you in good health. May you spend the season with loved ones and create many new memories.

Luther, upset that I was not paying enough attention to him during finals week.

Snowman (snow boomkin) that I made during the snowstorm during a study break.

My dad Jim and his brother Charlie in front of the Christmas tree a few years ago.

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