Ramble pictures -- 04/29/05

In my last entry I promised that I would be posting a few pictures from the James Joyce Ramble race that Jill and I ran on Sunday, depending on how they came out. I got the pictures processed and here are a few pictures from that batch (taking pictures in the rain while running with one of those disposable 35mm cameras sometimes results in very blurred results).
As I had mentioned in my description of race day, the morning was very rainy. I kept hoping it would clear up -- or at least stop raining -- by the start of the race. If the race had started at noon, my hope would have come true; however, it began at eleven a.m. so we ran most of it through varying amounts of rain. Here is a choral group serenading the runners with Irish songs prior to the start of the race.
Here are the runners lining up for the start of the race.
And here's a picture of the runners filling the street ahead as far as you can see. This is still early on in the race, well within the first mile. As the race goes on, the crowd of runners will be spread out more and more.

The winner crossed the finish line about the same time that I passed the three mile mark (but there were lots of people behind me).

And, as promised, there were lots of people in period costume along the way, reading from the works of James Joyce..,
These wet runners waiting in the post-race beer line. Jill and I are in that line... and there are increasing numbers of people behind us. Actually, it didn't take too long because they had lots of people dispensing beverages.
And here we are, two very, very wet runners.

Had the film developed yesterday (with the pictures being put on a CD, saving me from having to scan the prints) and put most of this together last night but didn't have time to finish the job. Went with Nancy to her school for a performance of Annie, Jr. (the Broadway musical scaled down for performance by middle school students). Came home afterwards and Gillian and Jeremy were both here -- had a brief but pleasant visit and then they both took off -- and I finally got downstairs to ride the exercise bike and lift some weights around ten p.m., which means I didn't finish working out until close to eleven -- and so it goes. Now I'm going to FTP this and then see if I can get in a lunch time run.

Going out to dinner tonight to celebrate being old.

Got a happy birthday e-mail from my baby brother this morning congratulating me on reaching sixty-two because now I'm eligible for Social Security early retirement.

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