I recently mentioned that we were having our house painted... and in my
last entry I said I would try to put up a couple of pictures of it.
This is what things look like from the porch. The vertical columns and
all of the trim used to be an off-white and now it is more of a warmer
cream color. The railings and the garage doors and the windows are sort
of teal (teal) but the window trim is cream like the columns. |
I showed you this before -- the top half is the old color and the bottom
half is the new color. |
See... the wooden parts of the windows themselves are teal but the wood
frame and the trim that surrounds the window are painted cream... |
And here's the whole thing... The windows look a bit odd because when this
picture was taken I had not yet put back all of the screens. The darker
windows are the ones where the screens have been installed. (You can see
the curtain pulled aside on one window in the den where Tiger likes to
watch the outside world.) |
Speaking of Tiger... since the windows are closed because of the rain, he has decided to keep me company on my desk, so he has curled up on top of the flatbed scanner and is napping there.
But here's a picture of him taken on Sunday morning when he was enjoying
the sunshine streaming through the window and onto the carpet by my desk.
He likes to lie down in pools of sunlight.
There's no sunlight for him today. It is dark and rainy and windy outside. |
This was not a good time for all of this rain -- Nancy is with her students on the 8th grade class trip to New York City. Yes, in the rain. (It is a very wet day from New Jersey all the way up the coast to Canada.)
A few weeks ago I set up a page for myself on livejournal.com. I did this mostly because it made it easier to leave non-anonymous
comments on certain livejournals. I had wanted to call it jimsjournal but the livejournal software told me that was an abandoned
livejournal -- that is, that someone had once setup that name but had dropped it and it was no longer in use -- however, I could
have it for a fifteen dollar fee (to clear their database or something like that) -- but I was only doing this for convenience
and did not want to pay for it, so I created one using my name. Thus, my livejounal page can be reached
at http://jimlawrence.livejournal.com/.
Yesterday I decided to experiment with it. I wondered what it would be like to just go to a page and type and have those words magically appear on the internet without worrying about HTML and what it might look like and updating the previous entry to add a link and updating the year-page and my index page and using FTP to move everything to my hosting service (Verve Hosting) -- so I wrote a bit there yesterday and early this morning (I mean very early because I was writing as Nancy was on her way to school and she
had to be there by six a.m.). I'm not abandoning jimsjournal, just experimenting
with a blogger's ability to write a quick comment on the spur of the moment.
Other than the instant gratification factor of that, I personally prefer
the kind of format I have here.