Busy, busy, busy -- 12/17/06

I'm taking most of the end of the year off with vacation days so I only have three and a half days left to work this year. The problem is, I have more than three and a half days worth of stuff I really need to do -- thus, I am going to be trying to squeeze in a few hours of work after dinner tonight.

Busy, busy, busy...

Other than that, things are pretty much under control. Almost all of the presents have been bought and some have even been wrapped. Christmas cards have not been sent. I had planned to do that tonight but it looks as if that may have to wait until Monday night.

The mild weather means the ground has not frozen so we were able to do some yardwork today. A friend gave Nancy some plants yesterday and we planted them this afternoon.

Then came the usual grocery shopping...
Nancy the gardener

Dinner (chicken) is in the oven, potatoes are boiling, and this entry is coming to an end because I have to go mash the potatoes and make gravy and cook some peas, etc.

Meanwhile, Tiger takes everything in stride...

Blasts from the past -- entries for this date from previous years:

This is my Holidailies entry for December 17
A brief introduction....
A brief introduction to anyone who wanders in here for the first time from the Holidailies site -- I'm a middle-aged (*cough* okay, 63, but I don't look a day over 62 ) guy who lives in Rhode Island with my wife Nancy (a middle-school math teacher), daughter Gillian ("Jill" -- 24 yr old college student), son Jeremy (21 yr old college student), and Tiger (senior citizen cat). Eldest child Adam lives in New York City with his wife Leah and our grandson Sam. I'm a former programmer/systems analyst who got into doing software training and currently works from home doing quality assurance and editing on course material for both classroom courses and Web-based training courses. I've been writing this online journal since 1996. (If you read some of the archived entries, until a couple of years ago I used fake names for the kids -- "Sean" = Jeremy and "Jennifer" = Gillian)

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