

It's still winter outside -- 01/02/10

If you have just wandered in from Holidailies and wonder who's who, there's a brief introduction to various characters at the end of this entry...

Here we are, second day of the New Year and it's still winter outside. Shouldn't we now have a January thaw followed by spring? Excuse me, I guess I was just delusional for a moment there.

That's the view from our front porch a few minutes ago (picture taken about 6:55, sunrise is at 7:12). That's Jill's car parked on the street with my flash reflecting on it... (Yes, she is parked on the wrong side of the street facing in the wrong direction.)

We are supposed to get one to three inches of snow this morning and afternoon (and that first inch certainly seems to have arrived) plus another inch or so tonight. Tonight's forecast says "Blustery with lows in the lower 20s. Northwest winds 15 to 25 mph. Gusts up to 45 mph...increasing to 55 mph after midnight." It sounds as if today's snow will be flying sideways all night. Sunday's forecast says an additional inch of snow is likely. Being on the coast often brings us a breeze...

Hmmm, I may just stay inside all day. Well, maybe not. I do have a few errands to run (or, rather, hobble in my moonboot).

As you may have guessed, I did not go for a swim yesterday. I wanted to, but I feared doing further damage to my achilles tendon by running into the water as well as by doing that much walking (parking lot to pavillion, standing around waiting, running into the water, walking back from the water, walking back to the parking lot, etc.) so I decided to pass it up this year. It was a shame because the weather was relatively mild for January 1st -- upper thirties, perhaps even 40 at some of the beaches. The plunge I have always done -- at Narragansett Town Beach -- had more than 300 participants this year plus a thousand spectators. There are other New Years Day plunges around here. Besides the one at Narragansett, there is one at Salty Brine State Beach, one over on Jamestown Island at Mackeral Cove (this was their 34th annual plunge), one in Matunuck on the beach behind Joyce Family Pub, one at Misquamicut Beach (in Westerly), one at the North Kingstown Town Beach, and over on Aquidneck Island the Newport Polar Bears are sponsoring one at Easton's Beach. So that's seven New Years Day swims being held within about a twenty mile drive from my house. (Three of them are within five miles or so.) Ah well, there's always next year.

Why am I writing an entry before dawn? I woke up early and couldn't get back to sleep and finally decided that, after more than a week of Christmas vacation, I probably should get out of bed and readjust myself to my normal schedule. My day usually starts somewhere between 5:45 and 6:00 a.m. and I am sure that Monday will arrive as scheduled.

A brief introduction for those of you wandering in here from Holidailies for the first time: I'm just a middle-aged guy (but somehow I hit 66 on my last birthday) who lives in Rhode Island with my wife Nancy (a middle-school math teacher), daughter Gillian ("Jill" -- 27 yr old college student and baker), son Jeremy (24 yr old restaurant cook and part-time college student), and Tiger (senior citizen cat). Eldest child Adam lives in New York City with his wife Leah and our grandsons Sam and Milo. I'm a former programmer/systems analyst who got involved with software training and instructional design. For the past several years I have been working from home (you can't beat the short commute!) doing quality assurance and editing on course material for both classroom courses and Web-based training courses for a very big computer company. I've been writing this online journal since 1996.

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Holidailies 2009

My 20th entry for this season's Holidailies.


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